Monday, February 11, 2008

sick to my stomach...

You know that feeling that you get when something really bad happens? Like when you see those flashing lights in your rear view mirror because a cop is pulling you over? Over when your $100 bill flies out your car window as you're driving, or when you find out a loved one is in the hospital? Just makes your stomach churn...that's how I feel right now.

My purse and coat and cell phone got stolen last night. My purse pretty much has my life contained in it. The hardest part is that Jeff worked really hard last summer so that he could buy it for me and now it is gone just like that. $400 coach purse down the drain. Not to mention I had over $400 cash in there too...some tip money and birthday money. All my gift cards from my birthday as well. Just makes me feel completely sick. I'm so bummed.
I called to cancel all my credit cards and bank accounts, etc...and they said the person had already purchased gas with my card and $26 at white castle. Why they would spend $26 at white castle, I do not know, but pray this person is found!!! And my cell phone...I'm so sad about palm centro. ugh. And my car keys. both sets. And we only have one clicker thing for the red car and that is gone. It was in my coat pocket. I am just praying it all miraculously turns up. Gosh. This is really hard. What a stinky feeling. Pray for me if you think of it...thanks


Jake said...

WOW, that is retarded. I know the feeling, not fun. We will stand in prayer with you to get it all back, and then some.


Kimmy Ann said...

that is really sad. sorry that happened to you! i will pray that you get all your stuff back soon.
[and by the way, your son is so adorable!]

80's Mom said...

Terrific blog. Sorry about this and will pray!!