How can you truly be blessed? Well, you have to be walking in the Word, right? My brother Nate once said to me, "You're not blessed if you don't have to trust in God to make it." (Or something along those lines, maybe not that exact quote). Well, it makes sense, doesn't it? I mean if you're just living day to day doing what you want, and not really TRUSTING in God, are you blessed?
Something that my brother Jake once said on his blog, "If you're in a job you're not qualified to be in, good. That's right, good." Why did he say that? Well, because if you're in a job that is just COMFORTABLE and EASY, will you ever stretch yourself, grow or TRUST in God? No, because you think you can do it just fine on your own. Well, it's like Eagle Street. It's so easy. And sometimes it feels like people are just throwing their money at me. But that's just it. It's easy, and I'm not really trusting in God for that money because it just comes to me and it's such a comfortable environment because I've been there so long and never really have to stretch myself. Well, as I was on my way to work last week, I was saying, "God, it's just so easy at Eagle Street. I go in to work, make my money, and leave. I don't have to think of it the rest of the night." And He said that's just it. It's too easy. You will never become the woman I want you to be if you just stay where you are comfortable. So, then I go back to my Floral Design business and start thinking. And many times I wonder if I am even qualified enough to really have my own business and be doing all these weddings for people. But, like Jake said, GOOD. His post said this:
Today rocked. Let me tell you from experience that if you're in a position that naturally you may not be qualified or fit for, good. Good? Ya, good. Do it as unto God, not your boss, and you will kick some tail. I'm starting to have some fun at work. I'm learning a bunch, and I believe God is developing gifts and talents inside of me. Very exciting.
at 11:57 PM "
I wanna "kick butt" everyday. And I intend on doing that. I think for now, I am going to be done with the Eagle Street Grille and focus on Prestigious Petals. (I haven't updated my site in a while with more pics and stuff, but will soon!) I think I might work on the boats on Lake Minnetonka again this summer too... :)