Thursday, July 17, 2008

"Let Go and Let God"

Ever heard the saying, "Let go, and let God"?

It seems that when we strive for more of God that the devil tries to come at us even more, or we notice it more. It's like, you get soooooooo excited about hearing the Word and are sooooo excited to act on it, and then boom! The devil throws things your way!!! I was having a pretty good week and then yesterday I was just feeling really lost like I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing and just had all these cares. When I got home from working on the boats last night, I was talking to Jeff and he was like, "You just have to give it to God." And my rebuttle in my mind was, "But if I give it to God, then I won't have anything to worry or care about." EXACTLY! DUH?!?!?!? Sometimes I feel like we (or maybe just me) get so greedy with our cares that we just want to carry them around and baby them and get attention from them because if we give them to God, then we won't be all mopey and down and sad and greedy or needy for attention anymore...hmmm...meaning we'll be happy! So, in the shower this morning, I was like, Ok, God, I just give it all to you. And it's like from then on, you just have to not think about everything. Just stop worrying about it all. We need to live in the PRESENT and stop trying to figure out our entire lives! God will lead us in the right direction as we follow Him and GROW in Him and as HE finds us ready to move to the next step. What a great revelation! Thanks, Jeff, for hitting me in the noggin with such an obvious reality!


Jake said...

I know what you mean, Nicole, about caring for your cares. And totally agree about living in the present. I used to get all bent out of shape (and sometimes am still tempted to) to worry about my future. I have no idea what's in store, except GOOD things (according to Jer 29).

Anyway, awesome post.
And nice noggin-shot, Jeff.

Anonymous said...

So true Nicole! When we give our cares, worries, fears to the Lord, He takes them, and then we can move to that next level that He wants to take us! When we are hungry for him and desiring Him He will lead us and guide us into His perfect will for our lives.........we just have to be obedient and not take the care!!!!

Nate and I are so proud of you and Jeff! It's so cool to see you have such a deep hunger for Him!! Love you.