Thursday, September 11, 2008

Tribute to "Quail Man"

Goodbye, Quail Man...

Well, 2 days ago, Ethan goes up to the fish tank in his room and says, "Pish, pish" (Fish) But Fish (Quail Man) was laying on the bottom, dead. My heart kinda sank. Jeff got "Quail Man" (That's what Jill and I named him because he traveled from Jeff's parents house to where we live on Quail Avenue, I also know Doug Funny was Quail Man...anyway) before we got married.
Jake & Sheena gave Jeff the tank for Christmas 2004. Jeff went through a couple fish before Quail Man, all Cichlids, meaning they eat other fish. We went together to get Quail Man downtown at a pet store off of University Avenue.

Quail Man was a very pretty color, white with an orange belly, and he'd turn purpley blue when he was scared or we moved his tank and he got a little startled or stressed out. He's been with us since we've lived here on Quail Avenue and Ethan has gotten to have him in his room since he was born. It's the only pet Ethan's ever had.

About 6 months or more ago, Jeff was tired of taking care of Quail Man (though he was easy to take care of...we'd feed him once every 1-3 weeks and fill his tank up the same amount of time apart). One night, while I was at work, Jeff decided to flush Quail Man down the toilet and sent me a text saying he was doing so. I didn't get the text until it was too late...or so I thought. I got another message saying he tried flushing him TWICE and he would not go down!!! I said, "Take him out of the toilet! That's sooooo mean!!! I will take care of him!" So, Jeff did just that, and he's been with us ever since. The only thing is, I kinda forgot to take care of him sometimes. Sometimes, I remembered to feed him maybe once a month...
But he hung in there! He was great. Very low maintenance. I'm not sure if he died of starvation, or of some other tank error, but he died shortly after I filled about 4-5 inches of water in his tank. I wonder if I did something wrong, that was my first time filling the tank. I didn't put any stress coat in the water, I think Jeff always did that. Whatever it was that caused it, he's gone now. :( It kinda makes me sad!
But, there is something a little weird or ironic to the story...
Ethan has been getting Chiropractic treatment since he was born (because of his torticollis, but that's another story) and recently at the Chiropractor, Dr. Brist said that something electronic in his room was disturbing his treatment progress. He did some tests and nailed it down to the fish tank! Isn't that crazy? Well, we've been talking about it and didn't know where to move the tank to...and then boom, Quail Man dies! Like it was a sign that we really needed to get the fish tank turned off or out of his room. Well, we turned it off, and it's just sitting with water in Ethan's empty. But, for the better I guess for now. Who knew something like that could affect so much?

Here are a couple pics....

There he lay...gone...(He doesn't look very pretty in this picture)

Ethan looking at the dead "Quail Man" (A Firemouth South American Cichlid)


Jake said...

Quail Man, LOL! How original.

Very funny post, especially that Jeff tried flushing him and he survived. What a great first pet.

Did you bury him?

suddenfire said...

aww man i was reading jakes site and saw that title "tribute to "Quail Man""...and had to read. that is amazing that he survived 2 flushes...WOW!

the real reason for the comment is that is an AWESOME pic of the family on your header...

Sarah Dee said...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :( that makes me sad. I didn't even get to say goodbye

SDS said...

This makes me sad.We once had a goldfish that was laying on his side. We prayed over him and he came back alive the next day. God thinks of even the little things.

SDS said...

This makes me sad.We once had a goldfish that was laying on his side. We prayed over him and he came back alive the next day. God thinks of even the little things.