The stats about having close Christian friends to do life with show how much more of a chance you'll have to stay on track with God, than someone who doesn't have close fellowship with believers (we're still in the process of finding some really close Christian married friends). Jeff met a lot of married guys at the Men's Retreat and I'm excited to go to the Women's Retreat at the end of October.
God is finally ACTUALLY a part of our life instead of just being some religious legalistic ritual that we take part in because it's what we've always done. That makes me excited! I just wanna jump and run around!
I highly recommend downloading the substance church podcast! I think the new one comes out every TUESDAY! Yesterday's message was awesome, and I just feel like we're finally getting fed spiritually! With stuff that is relevant to doing life!!! I hope it's the 2nd service podcast, that's the one we were at and it was really good. Subscribe to it. Listen to it.
Substance Church Podcast Page
Another AWESOME podcast is Renee Burt's homemaker's podcast!!! I still think her teachings at homemaker's are WONDERFUL (even though we don't physically attend LWCC anymore) for ANY girl, mother, or wife!!! You can download those from LWCC's website under small groups. I think one of my favorites from last fall is called: "Complain Train" It's great! You should listen to it!
What else in life is happening...
We just found out that the guy that "installed" our floral cooler did it completely wrong. In fact, DANGEROUSLY wrong! So wrong that if a city inspector came out, they'd give us 10 days to get it fixed or get out and condemn our house! Is that scary or what? So we need some prayer with that situation because it was one of our NEIGHBORS that tried to install it for us and he's become really rude in the process and has already been paid $2100 in full. He did everything wrong and might have even ruined the compressor. Talk about a headache! Nothing God can't help us with. We really don't want to become enemies with our neighbor, but paying that much money to possibly have ruined the cooler is not a good thing...I'm pretty frustrated about it! Which brings me to my next point...
GOD LEADS WITH PEACE!!! Over the last month or so Jeff and I have had a few experiences where we felt uneasy about a situation, like the cooler, and went with it anyway, it has not turned out good. I've definitely learned my lesson! We need to listen to the peace even when in the natural everything seems like it'd be fine, and then stuff happens. So, this just prepares us for things later in life. Listen to the peace in your heart, because the Holy Spirit leads with that peace and then it can prevent situations like the cooler one from happening!
What else is new...
I got a part time job in a flower shop as well as working on my business, (Prestigious Petals) the flower shop is called, "The Flower Shoppe" creative name, right? Haha, it'll be good experience though and I'm already learning new things. Some that are a little old fashioned and 80's looking, but some that will help me in my business. I'm excited for the Holiday season because I haven't done a lot of Holiday designs.
We all 3 started going to a Chiropractor...we all have spines that are not in line in the right way and Jeff's is actually starting to form arthritis (shown on x-rays) so we all 3 will be getting adjusted 3 times a week for the next 3 months to get it fixed and then once a week after that...(we setup a family plan) It's actually really amazing how when your spine is completely in line and none of the nerves are being crushed how much quicker your body can heal itself. People think that getting adjusted once a month or even once a year is enough, but it's not because it's like getting can't put braces on one day and then take them off the next day and expect your teeth to be straightened. It takes time. Then after you have braces, you get a retainer to retain the shape. Same thing with the spine. You need to retain the alignment by getting regular, maintaining adjustments...that's another story though.
I have a wedding this weekend...fall colors: orange, champagne, and hints of blue...that'll be really pretty.
We had a bbq last night and it was a great turnout! 14 people came! (8 of which were married couples! yay!) It was funny because as people left last night, the only people left were the married ones and we all sat around the bon fire and talked...we had...Jeff & I, Ryan & Alisha, Brian & Michelle, and Joseph & Moriah. It was really fun. I thought it was so cool that we finally have some married friends after 3 1/2 years of being married!!! But, we're going to get even more married friends from going to Substance and going to the married subgroup and all that. Yay!
Now I'm just having a nice Monday...Jeff and I found ourselves waking up at 9:30a.m. to Ethan talking in his room...either the alarm didn't go off or Jeff turned it off in his sleep! So, we had a late start to the day, but sometimes you just need a little rest.
Sometimes these update posts are a little boring, but I really just like to journal about life and look back to see where God is taking us...I recently had someone write on my "Wall" on facebook this, and it completely touched me, it was about one of my former posts. It inspired me to post.
"Hi Nicole, I think I told you about the upcoming book on Jeff's family. Today Candice sent me his birthday. But not where he was born. From about 3 this afternoon I have been updating material and looking at verious family si... Read Moretes to try to get a grasp on their lives. Having said that I went and looked at some of your blogs and started to cry. You really need to keep doing the blog thing it will touch people. Here is what I read. Last week I prayed with a girl in my group to receive the evidence of speaking in tongues and then this week I prayed with ANOTHER girl in my group to receive the gift of speaking in tongues! Last week was the FIRST time I'd ever prayed with anyone to receive tongues...I've done the salvation prayer with people, but never for speaking in tongues. If that doesn't get you excited, I don't know what will! I'm so excited for these young girls to experience what tongues is all about!!!!!!!! That's when I realized how on fire for Christ you are. I truely was touched!"
It's just cool to hear comments like that from other people.
We had one of our last boat charters of the season on Saturday night...and we might not work on the boats next we took some fun pics...enjoy!
I love working with Jeff. Do you like our uniforms?
Who knew you could make $30 an hour while being with your best friend?!?!?
We're having so much fun
Can you find Jeff in this picture???
Today is the first day of Autumn! I love the Fall! I say that Summer is my favorite season and then Fall is my 2nd favorite! I love it. I love sweater weather and the cool air and the changing of the tree leaf colors. It's so wonderful. I hope everyone has a perfect Autumn day!
(Ethan and I outside today on the first day of Autumn)
He's reaching for his nuk! (It's hard to get rid of that thing!)